
Tag: bezpečnost

My Facebook Account Has Been Stolen - Now What?

Did someone steal your Facebook account? Unfortunately, you are not alone. How to prevent such a situation and how to solve it if it is already too late for prevention? You can find the procedure and instructions in the article.

How to set up your mobile and take control

We all have mobile phones - adults and children alike. But can we properly set it up so that it serves us and not us him? How to control mobile phone usage? Instructions here.

TikTok as a security threat?

The National Cyber and Information Security Agency recommends against using TikTok on work and private devices used for work purposes.

Children in the online world. Are they in danger?

Do you have control over how much time your kids spend playing online games? Children mature faster thanks to digitization and it is important that they know the pitfalls of the Internet in addition to playing.

What a cyber attack looks like in 2023

What does a cyber attack look like in 2023? I recommend looking and letting the people around you. Sure, you would see through it, but most of your loved ones wouldn't.

Invitation to the Behave Your Prints seminar

Together with the European Development Agency, we are organizing the Behave Your Prints seminar on: Digital citizenship, responsible use of digital tools and the digital footprint