After serious health complications from overworking, I went through a digital detox and today I help people live with technology and find digital balance. The goal is for technology to serve us. And not us to them.
I focus on topics related to an effective and healthy relationship with technology:
I would love to see you at my training or webinar.
Technology is ubiquitous in today's world. Nevertheless, we often do not know how to use them properly. Instead of helping us, they are slowly killing us. They almost killed me too.
At the age of 29 I had a stroke from overwork and it forced me to rearrange my life's priorities. Life is not a sprint, but a marathon, and I just missed the start. I was lucky and broke everything. But that experience helped me reassess my world view, I went through a digital detox and found the lost balance between the IT and non-IT worlds. Technology is not only evil. On the contrary: they can significantly improve our lives and increase efficiency. When we know how to use them well.
I have been collecting work experience since 2006. I have experience at Citibank, a drill at Accenture and an agile transformation at Česká spořitelna. He went through the professions of project manager, agile coach or IT architect. Now I divide my capacity between training, consulting and managing projects and people in the IT environment.
I run courses for companies, schools and individuals on IT literacy, in which I help people understand the world of technology. I teach them how to get the most out of technology, what to watch out for, how to be productive, but at the same time not to get absorbed and be able to disconnect when it's too much.
The second area is training on how to effectively collaborate and communicate with colleagues online and offline, how to successfully manage projects and how to lead people in the office and remotely.
Visitors to my trainings get an overview, specific tips, tricks and examples from practice. They learn how the online world works, what to watch out for, and how to find a way to a healthy digital balance where you feel content and have enough time for what's really important to you. Raising children in today's online age is also a common topic. I show parents what the children's world looks like and how to approach education. In turn, I explain to the children how the online space works and what to watch out for in it.
And thanks to my stroke experience, I spread awareness about it through the foundation fund Time is brain.
I was doing well in 2014 until the fuckup came in the form of a stroke. Overnight, I changed my suit to a hospital angel. I'm already laughing about it today, and here we were laughing together in Lucerne at the FuckUp Night event.
You can learn more about my life experiences and work in the FuckUp Podcast, where I appeared.