
Cooperation and management

Penetrate both classic and agile management methods and learn to successfully and effectively collaborate and communicate with your colleagues.

90 % Fortune 500 CEOs surveyed said they want to be agile. What does that actually mean? And how is the agile management method better than the classic one. And is it even better?

Agility is different from the classic project and line approach. It's all about mindset - how we look at change and whether we can use it to our advantage. It is about people, common sense and the added value of the activities we do. There are also methodologies that you may have already heard of - Kanban and Scrum. These can be very useful in managing people and work. But it is necessary to implement and use them correctly. If you can do this, you'll take your flexibility to the next level. Still, there are cases where it's better to stick with classic waterfall and avoid agility.

In this training, we will show you what agility means, you will see examples from practice and you will understand what benefits it brings to people and organizations.

The course also includes a short game - so you can experience for yourself what it looks like in the agile world. You will form a team and together deliver value to the customer – agile of course – in increments and continuous process improvement.

Benefit for the participant

  • Understanding the principles, benefits and pitfalls of agile management
  • Understanding the differences against the classic way of managing teams and work
  • Recommending agile techniques and approaches that are useful even in a non-agile world
  • Instructions on how to implement and use Kanban and Scrum methodologies
  • Everything explained and shown with examples from practice
  • The course includes a team game, so participants will try everything in practice

The world of management is changing. We've had a couple of years at home during the pandemic, now teams often work hybridly. Leadership is one of the common buzz words of today, and Agility and its principles and values are mentioned in Generali. You may be wondering what agility can mean in practice for you and your teams.

According to a recent study, the most common difficulties in the functioning of teams include ineffective communication between managers and their subordinates, overworking people and disappearing teamwork and culture. We also often don't know how to motivate employees remotely, and remote burnout syndrome appears. Communication with the company often boiled down to online meetings, performance pressure and metrics. The online way of working places new demands on managers. Trust, support for cooperation and empathy play a key role and often determine a healthy atmosphere, well-being and team performance.

An agile approach - agile leadership - helps to adapt to new circumstances.

It supplements the general principles of leadership with elements, values and principles of agile management. It is related to a safe and transparent company culture and defines the approach to change. We do not take change as a threat, but as a part of life that must be reckoned with and must be adapted quickly and flexibly. Agile leadership also requires trust in people, strong leadership in terms of keeping the right direction and clear definition of goals. The correct application of agile leadership in practice brings reduction of waste, higher efficiency of the team, its greater flexibility, autonomy and self-management.

How to be a good agile manager, how to keep your team and not burn out yourself? There is nothing left but to constantly work on yourself, maintain your own balance and spread it around you. At the training, you will also get practical tips and tricks from other participants. Your team doesn't have to be officially declared agile in order to take something from agile working or try and improve the current way of working. If you want to be a better leader, you won't regret it.

Benefit for the participant:

  • You will understand what agility is all about and how agile leadership is different
  • Understanding the benefits of agile leadership
  • You will learn what the role of a manager is in the agile world
  • You will learn to apply agile values and principles into practice
  • You will get specific tips, tricks and examples from practice that you can try or start working according to
  • You will get inspiration and motivation to be a better leader

No more misunderstandings in online or offline communication. Communicating through messages and e-mails has an adverse effect on our communication skills, real interactions are decreasing and written conversations often end in a dead end. In the course I will explain how technology affects the ability to communicate, where problems arise and how to prevent them. You can negotiate at a distance just as well as face to face.

Benefit for the participant:

  • You will learn to communicate effectively and successfully with others
  • You will discover the most common problems in communication
  • You will understand different perspectives, attitudes and motivations
  • You will get tips on how to interest a person and how to convey information
  • You will master effective communication with other departments at work
  • You will get tips and tricks to take your communication to the next level

Let's leave the world of zeros and ones together for a moment and take a peek at the world around us. Why? Because communication between the IT department and the environment in the company is always a challenge. IT people tend to be more introverted and prefer electronic communication. People from business, HR and similar industries, on the other hand, are extroverts, they like personal meetings and they need everything right away. We will find a common language with the "neighbors" in the company and thus prevent unnecessary conflicts. I understand the specifics of the IT world and know where friction surfaces arise. I will help you uncover the most common problems in communication and understand professionals from other fields. With mutual understanding, communication will be successful and effective. In short, you will come to an agreement.

Benefit for the participant:

  • Understanding the principles of successful and effective communication not only at work.
  • Revealing the most common problems in communication.
  • Understanding different perspectives, attitudes and motivations.
  • Knowledge of key principles and vocabulary from the world of business.
  • Mastery of effective communication with HR, business, etc.

A recent survey found that stand-up and retrospective are the two most common agile techniques that teams implement. Specifically, a stand-up of 87 % and a retrospective of 83 % teams. This is often the first experience with agile management. Unfortunately, sometimes the implementation lags a bit and they become more appointments on the calendar that do not make sense to people and steal their time. A stand-up becomes a team status for an hour, a retrospective becomes a meeting where people complain but nothing else comes out of it.

These are two powerful tools. The difference between a bad and a good meeting is mainly in its management - facilitation. If the meeting has no head or tail, then it is a waste of time for everyone. But this does not only apply in the agile world, but for all meetings. stand-up and retrospective have clearly defined rules and outcomes. They can be done well or badly. Consistency, consistency, and awareness of what the meeting is supposed to deliver make the difference between success and failure.

Come for tips and tricks, not just how to talk introverts, stop a chatty colleague in time without throwing them off in front of others or tool tips and other practical tips.

Benefit for the participant

  • A look at how retrospectives and stand-ups contribute to effective team management and performance improvement
  • Link to other agile meetings
  • What is and is not stand-up, how to lead it and what it should bring
  • What is and is not a retrospective, how to conduct it and what it should bring
  • Where teams most often fail and what to do about it
  • The most common practical difficulties in practice and their solutions

Innovation, adaptation and continuous improvement are key characteristics of organizations in today's world. They are essential for long-term sustainability and growth. Do you remember Nokia or Kodak? These can be an example of what it might look like when you fall asleep.

Innovation generally allows you to create a competitive advantage. Continuous innovation enables the development of new and better products, services and processes, which differentiates an organization from its competitors and enables it to gain more market share. They are also key to adapting to market changes, technological advances and changing customer preferences. Organizations that are able to innovate are more flexible and better able to adapt to new trends and challenges.

Of course, innovation means something different in every organization. Definitions also vary from department to department. If you are not inventing new products, then you do not need to focus so much on the concept of a persona, UX design or the use of a Minimal Viable Product. It will be more interesting and useful for you to innovate, for example, in the way of cooperation. In practice, this may mean, for example, the introduction of a transparent task board and regular short and effective readings of the status.

Come and get inspired, how ideas can be verified and done with minimal costs. How do big companies like Spotify or McDonalds do it.

We review and apply innovative approaches to the entire life cycle of product creation – from the request to the final product. There is no need to be bound by its form, it can be a physical product or service. For an internal or external customer. Innovation principles can be applied anywhere.

Benefit for the participant

  • Agile principles and their benefits in the context of the realization of requirements and ideas
  • How to effectively prepare the right proposal and brief - UX, Persona, etc.
  • Ways of Validating Ideas – Prototyping and Prototyping
  • How to deliver the product? Classic, agile or a combination
  • Minimal Viable Product approach as the basis of acceleration
  • How to leverage AI tools as the #1 innovation in product delivery
  • Use of online tools for effective collaboration

I will put together a tailor-made course for you and teach you how to use the technologies you need at work or in your personal life. In practice, I will show you how the tools work and teach you how to get the most out of them. You will get practical tips and tricks that will make your work easier.

Get to know, for example, communication platforms, online collaboration tools and learn to use their basic and advanced functions. I will guide you through planning and organizing meetings and interactive tools. I will also give you tried and tested tips and tricks for an even more efficient and pleasant meeting. The need to work remotely will not be a limitation for you.

Alternatively, choose a topic in the area of digital balance and a healthy relationship with technology. We can talk, for example, about netiquette (rules of decent behavior online), what it is and how to recognize fake news and deepfake or how to fight against information overload.

Examples of tailored training topics:

  • Communication skills
  • Communication skills for kids
  • Cross-Company Collaboration - How to collaborate across teams
  • Effective communication online and offline
  • Netiquette - Basics of good behavior online
  • Effective use of MS Teams