
How to raise children in the online age

The topic of raising children resonates basically all the time. Also thanks to the fact that we are or will be almost all parents and we all want to raise the best possible offspring. Of course we want the best for them, to keep them safe, etc. But how to guarantee all this in an online environment?

I have prepared a short overview, such a guide that can give you inspiration, what awaits you and what will not be missed. Please take it with a grain of salt for two reasons. First, we are all different and every child is different and secondly the world of technology is constantly changing and what is relevant today may not be relevant a year from now. Things online become outdated very quickly and everything is constantly evolving. We, our children, technology and potential miscreants who want to harm us or our children.

Do you know how your children are doing?

Do you know them? Do you know what they are dealing with? I ask because according to various surveys (Perhaps O2 Smart school) approx. 65% parents do not know at all what their children are doing online. In such a situation there is actually only one tool left and that is it ban. By the way, as humans we fear things we don't understand or know.

generally the sooner I address my child's digital balance, the better. At the same time, it is never too late, but the later you start, the more difficult it will be and the greater the chance that the child will send you (you know where).

When to give a child a cell phone

On average, a Czech child gets a mobile phone between the ages of seven and nine. It is related to starting school and independence, which our caparti is aiming for. When a child starts walking alone from school, as parents we want to be able to contact him or check according to the location of his mobile phone if he is really in the school group. But 7-9 years is average and I know it even 3.5-year-old children with their own mobile phone. Why do they have it? Maybe because his brother has it, so he doesn't cry. Or he has YouTube there and he always gives it a rest. The reasons are different. However, the impact on graphomotor development is very similar. If you are interested in details, this topic from the point of view of neurology and you like facts, I recommend the book Digital dementia.

Another common sad reason why we include children with phones and tablets is, that we want to buy them and their affection. Either just like that (I'm just good at it), because of regrets (I still work and I don't have much time with my family) or maybe if I have a new partner, she has a child and I'm fighting over his "love" with his biological father. Sad, but it's true. You may have experienced a similar situation yourself. I see her quite often in my neighborhood.

What when how

Child's ageWhat are they interested in? What does it solve?PitfallsHow about them
7 – 10 years– Own mobile phone
– Shooting videos
– Creation of photos and content on social networks (Inspiration in musers and influencers – creators on social networks)
– Topic of privacy and lying about age (Soc networks are officially up to 13 years old)
- Bullying
– Shooting games
– The onset of FOMO
– Connecting to unknown Wifi networks and high data consumption (the consumption of 6GB YouTube and 3GB Instagram on mobile data + 40 YouTube and 2GB Instagram on Wifi in 12 years is no exception).
Limit time on mobile.
10-15 years– ½ of children are almost always online
– They want to be famous influencers
– First timid loves in the online environment
– Selfie making
– Cybergrooming (sexual harassment on the network)
– The topic of copyright and piracy
– They want their own passwords and control over their accounts
Explain and educate, especially in the area of safety.
15 – 18 years– Data in the cloud
– Surfing and exploring the Internet
– First breakups
- Credit card
– Porn
– Chatting with strangers
– Public Wifi networks
– Sexting (erotic chat)
– Revenge porn (Posting erotic photos of each other after breaking up with her/him)
Explain and educate, experience with them.
Early adulthood– Critical thinking
– Recognizing the truth
– Fake news
– Hoax
– Tinder
Cyberstalking (Surveillance in an online environment)To be at hand, to experience with them.

Maybe you have something similar at home. Maybe you have it completely different. Anyway, if you have an experience that shouldn't be left out, be sure to let us know jsem@lukasbarda.cz and I will be happy to complete the table.