
Digital Detox: How to Unplug and Find Balance

In today's world, we are increasingly connected with digital technologies. Mobile phones, social networks or online games have become an integral part of our daily life. However, being online all the time can have a negative impact on our health. How to get out of it? A digital detox can help.

Digital detox is a temporary or complete disconnection from digital technologies. It aims to reduce dependence on digital devices and re-establish a balance between the digital and real worlds.

Why are you interested in digital detox?

According to statistics 96% of the Gen Z population and 81% of Millennials are on social media every day. We spend an average of 2.5 hours a day on the phone and 3.5 hours on TV. Is it a lot or still within the norm? Try to hear yourself or those around you say "I don't have time" and put this information in context with how much time we spend surfing the Internet (2.5 a day * 7 days = 17.5 hours a week).

Or think about whether surfing the Internet sometimes made you dizzy and overwhelmed. Learn more about so-called information overload here. If you've experienced such situations, then maybe it's time to give it a try digital detox – temporarily disconnecting from the digital world to re-balance and engage with real life.

The benefits of a digital detox

  • Improving mental health
  • Increase concentration
  • Better sleep
  • Greater peace and balance
  • An opportunity for personal growth
  • Finding the digital balance

How to digidetox

During a digital detox, we limit or completely turn off phones and tablets for a certain period of time. Or we will completely disconnect from the Internet. This creates space for offline activities such as reading, exercising, meditating, spending time with family and friends, or simply relaxing.

Below are some tips that work for us:

  1. Set a goal: Want to focus more on your family? Do you need to improve the quality of your sleep? Would you like to find new hobbies?
  2. Create a plan: Consider how long you want to take your detox. Decide whether to turn off your phone or limit social media.
  3. Look for alternatives: Choose an activity you enjoy, such as reading, exercising, walking, meditating, or spending time with your family. Experiment.
  4. Turn off notifications: Turn off notifications on your mobile phone and computer.
  5. Create digi-free zones: For example, ban the use of mobile phones in the bedroom or during family dinners.
  6. Get moving: Do sports, go to yoga or the gym. Even walking counts.
  7. Find a personal contact: Be with family and friends, arrange meetings or organize social activities.

Even the journey is the destination

A digital detox does not have to be a one-time thing, but rather a regular activity. Research shows that disconnecting from the digital world has a positive effect on our quality of life.

It is not easy and everyone is comfortable with something different. Find what works for you and adapt to your needs. Don't give up, even the path to digi detox can be a goal.

And remember, you are not alone. Be digi but also happy.