
ZTD - Zen To Done (advanced productivity)

You've already tried the basics of our Zen To Done method of the previous article and did you like her? So it's time to take your productivity to the next level and customize your tasks even more.

We will follow up with the next steps, thanks to which you will get used to managing tasks exactly as you need and it will suit you.

Advanced Habits

  1. A simple and trusted system
    • create and maintain simple lists
    • don't try to use new tools that will waste your time - use what you know and know works for you
    • all you need is a list of projects and one continuous list of tasks for each
    • then check the task list every day and monitor the project once a week or as needed
  2. Organize = everything has its place
    • all incoming tasks belong to your mailbox (notebook, application)
    • then immediately sort them into lists by project
    • this will keep your tasks from piling up and allow you to focus on the work itself
    • don't delay, but save
  3. Evaluation
    • don't forget your annual and life goals either
    • therefore, evaluate them regularly and monitor your system settings to help you succeed
    • work on small steps from the annual goals every week and then evaluate them as a whole
    • for life goals, choose a longer period of regular recapitulation (month, year)
  4. Simplify
    • reduce your goals and tasks to the essentials
    • do only what matters
    • remove anything unimportant from lists or delegate tasks to someone else
  5. Routines
    • create and stick to your regular activities
    • choose your own routine for each part of the day that will make your work easier
    • e.g. you exercise every morning, check your diary, note down new tasks and prioritize your lists for the whole day; in the evening, take care of the children, have a good dinner and read a few pages of a self-development book
    • set up your own procedures to suit you
  6. Find your passion
    • do what you enjoy in life, not what you have to do
    • you will see that the list of tasks will look more like a list of rewards
    • therefore, look for things that fulfill you and you can build a career on them in the future

In conclusion

As I already mentioned, the important thing about Zen To Done is simplicity and clarity. When the notebook itself is no longer enough for you, it is time to use an application that you will always have at hand (on your phone, tablet, computer). Apps that are also designed for Getting Things Done will be great for you.

Tools proven by us:

  • Todoist
    • best app for GTD and works just as well on ZTD
    • you enter and sort tasks in a few seconds
    • you have the option of a free version, but it is quite limited and for me the most important thing is missing - which is a reminder to complete the task
    • but from just €3 per month you have the option of the full version, which is ideal for the average user
  • Trello
    • very simple and clear solution using columns and cards (Kanban)
    • possibility of notifications, labels and of course sharing
    • and as an added bonus... its free!
  • Email clients
    • a great option when you only handle tasks via email
    • you can sort individual entries directly into the synchronized calendar
    • many clients also include a simple To-Do list that fulfills its purpose
    • e.g. Microsoft Outlook or Gmail is suitable

Create your own stress-free task management system. On the contrary, it will keep pushing you forward towards your goals and dreams.

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