
Method GTD = Getting Things Done

As the name suggests, today I will focus on the GTD method in the loose translation Manage to get things done. It is a popular task management system invented by the very famous American productivity consultant David Allen.

Who is the method suitable for?

All of us certainly sometimes feel the state when we have a lot of tasks, ideas, projects or meetings running through our heads. At the same time, we panic because there is a lot of work ahead of us. We jump from one task to another without completing any of them. And it is GTD that will help us focus on the individual sub-steps and plan the work process so that we can handle everything stress-free and on time.

So if you live in eternal chaos and want to plan your day and work more, GTD is exactly for you.

So how to proceed and include GTD in our life?

Systematize the clutter and ease your brain by doing the following:

  1. Capture everything
    • write down all your thoughts
    • no idea is too small or too big
    • everything is important
  2. Clarify the assignment
    • process individual ideas
    • break them down into clear and specific steps
    • decide if the idea is a project, another action, or if it is important at all
  3. Organize
    • put everything in its place
    • add the deadline to your calendar or delegate to someone else
    • what you can't handle, simply delete it or let it "lie"
  4. Revise
    • review your lists and projects regularly
    • update and check
  5. Get started
    • tackle individual tasks

It is also important to think that when you think of a task (activity) that you can solve yourself and it will not take you more than 2 minutes, so don't wait for anything and just solve the matter. It could be a quick reply to an email, a quick phone call, adding milk to the shopping list or perhaps making an appointment on the calendar.

As with all new things, you will have to devote your time and energy to setting up the system in the beginning. But if you commit to it, it will only get easier and your brain will thank you very quickly. As a guide, download the image below to follow.

When and how to start?

Get started now because solving task management with GTD will turn you into a productive person. You can handle a lot of other matters. Or you will spend more time with your family with a calm heart.

The best way to implement the GTD method is to use an application that makes everything easier. Of course, you can also pick up a good old notepad and pencil, but this method requires a lot of discipline and organization.

I recommend an application that you can have on your computer, tablet or phone. You will write down all your thoughts and most often we have our phone with us.

Recommended apps:

  • Todoist
    • best app for GTD for me
    • you enter and sort tasks in a few seconds
    • you have the option of a free version, but it is quite limited and for me the most important thing is missing - which is a reminder to complete the task
    • but from just €3 per month you have the option of the full version, which is ideal for the average user
  • OmniFocus
    • same great application right on GTD
    • you have a large number of preset functions at your disposal
    • the disadvantage is the higher price, and for some, only the English version can be an obstacle
  • Trello
    • very simple and clear solution using columns and cards
    • possibility of notifications, labels and of course sharing
    • and as an added bonus... its free!
  • Evernote or Notion
    • if you are used to similar applications, you can implement GTD in them as well
    • however, I recommend that you think more about how you want to use the application and correctly set the individual classification of tasks
  • Email clients
    • a great option when you only handle tasks via email
    • you can sort individual entries directly into the synchronized calendar
    • many clients also include a simple To-Do list that fulfills its purpose
    • e.g. Microsoft Outlook or Google is suitable

If you want to learn as much as possible about the Getting Things Done technique, I recommend reading the book Have everything done from the already mentioned David Allen. David has also written other, more extended versions, and I believe that every productivity fan will find something for himself.

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