
The FOMO phenomenon and the passing train

FOMO or “fear of missing out" means in translation the fear that we will lose something, that we the train leaves.  This is the feeling of anxiety most often associated with opportunities in the online world. On social media, we are constantly bombarded with options and things that others are doing. What if we miss interesting information, investments, an invitation to an event or where an acquaintance went on vacation?

The generations before us didn't have to deal with what they were going to do for a living. You often had it lined up ahead. The children of farmers were often farmers, the children of merchants were merchants, etc. However, we, the generation with an easel on our lap and unlimited possibilities, have it differently. What if I was more of a kid? Programmer? Or a cyber security expert? The topic is said to be raging now, and the Ajtas have a lot of money. Am I doing something wrong doing what I'm doing? Those guys and experts look so happy and successful on social media! That too is FOMO.

What is FOMO and what is its impact?

FOMO is modern dependence, thanks to which we spend a lot of time on the Internet. Like any addiction, FOMO negatively affects our health. What are the most common? consequences need to be online all the time?

  • Nervousness
  • A superficial experience of the reality of everyday life
  • Abstraction
  • Bad mood
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety

We all experience FOMO sooner or later. Man is a social creature and fear is a natural emotion. The fear of missing out is used by marketing companies to induce impulse buys presented by actors in the form of time-limited discounts and limited editions. Satisfied and confident people are less at risk of FOMO than people who are dissatisfied and have less confidence.

According to marketing statistics OptinMonster:

  • Has 56% of social media users experienced FOMO.
  • 45% people cannot last more than 12 hours without social networks.
  • 27% of us checks the mobile right after waking up.

And what if it goes the other way?

On the opposite side stands JOMO "joy of missing out” or joy that we missed something and that we are they let the train go. A more familiar approach to life than JOMO is the "here and now". A person is satisfied in the present moment and consciously experiences the reality of the surroundings and loved ones.

JOMO can serve as a tool for managing the consequences associated with the fear of missing out. How to do it?

  1. Realize your priorities in life
  2. Prefer face-to-face meetings over online meetings
  3. Set aside time on the Internet and especially on social networks
  4. Turn off notifications
  5. Limit the use of social networks that do not benefit you

Although most analyzes focus on the negative impact of FOMO, there are a few studies that present FOMO as a suitable tool for social interaction on networks. If FOMO is also your current issue, try to focus on what you have and not what you lack or could have missed. Add a digital detox and ride the "train" only occasionally and only when you really need to.