
Webinars - Digital productivity for lecturers

Are you a lecturer and want to take your operation to the next level? Or are you interested in digital productivity and still looking for ways to speed up and make your work more efficient? I have two video recordings of my webinars packed with practice for you, where you can learn more and, as a bonus, find out how I work. 🙂

You may have already registered earlier that together with Tomáš from EPALE we prepared a webinar on the topic Digital productivity and tools for lecturers. In one hour you will learn what digital productivity looks like in practice. But mainly you will discover gadgets (tools, applications, functions) for presentations and for everyday functioning in the online world.

Since the first event had a positive response, 60 minutes is not much time and not all topics were covered, so we completed another one shorter video

It contains additional tips on tools and functions that are great helpers for efficient work. I believe that everyone will find something new in the videos that will help them to be more efficient in what they do.