
Tag: inspirace

What about a speech disorder after a stroke

If you have someone who has had a stroke and has difficulty speaking, I wrote some things you can do on the blog Time is the Brain https://www.casjemozek.cz/blog/co-s-clovekem-po-mrtvici-s-poruchou- speaking

Get in control online

Is the internet creeping up on you? Are you looking at screens more than you would like? You are not alone, we all deal with it! I have prepared 7 steps how to

Interview with Glosa.social

I don't know why, but there is quite a bit of interest in my digi wises right now. Probably because we're all at home or something. Or an interview with Glosa.social You can find it in

Don't forget your well-being

It's already a bit sloppy, but maybe you don't know and you'll like it. Anyway, don't forget your things outside of work. Work probably on

Screen Time feature

Good Monday morning, didn't the last week's screen time report just jump out at you? how much do you have 🙂 You can find it in Settings and screen time (Settings

Short video - Do you think your life is tough? Then watch this about Keanu Reeves

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