
Digital skills

Get your bearings in the digital world.

Find out, for example, how to communicate productively with colleagues, but also how to pass on knowledge to your children about the pitfalls of the online environment.

Have you ever thought about how many things online are waiting for our attention? When I counted my communication channels, there were more than ten of them. Notifications and announcements popped up at me almost everywhere. I was like a fireman - a lot of the time I was putting out whatever was on fire and I wasn't able to proactively create anything. With corona and working from home, the situation has become even more difficult, and creating or completing something is even more difficult thanks to the online environment.

It helped me move into active mode, experiment with different productivity systems, find and implement mine. It combines several well-known approaches, from which I use the most useful principles. I tried them out and found planning and goal setting tricks that I'm happy to share. There will also be other tips on how to use tools such as To-Do, Planner or Whiteboard from Microsoft or Trello and Miro from other manufacturers. 

But productivity is also about discipline. How to get something done when I don't feel like it or the boss isn't looking. We will talk about that too. There are a lot of techniques, hacks, tips, tricks and apps that can make life more pleasant and easier. I will be happy to show and explain them to you.

Benefit for the participant:

  • You will learn the best of personal productivity systems - such as GTD, Pomodoro, Zero Inbox, the Pareto Rule, the Eisenhower Matrix and 60:40 planning
  • You'll learn how to use technology and tools to make life easier with an emphasis on those you already have
  • You will get techniques, tips and tricks on how to work better with tasks and emails and how to have more time for important things and people in your life
  • There will also be a section on how to apply all approaches and techniques to your team
  • You will see everything in practice

A recent survey shows that only 3% companies intend to work only physically. The rest of the organizations have some experience with hybrid operation. Cooperation in teams or its management is always a challenge. It is no different in online or hybrid operation. The situation is made all the more complicated by the fact that people often do not live in one place. For that reason, there is a need to use digital tools and set usage rules.

Every offline tool has its digital alternative. Whether it's a notebook for notes or a place where the whole team can draw and come up with new things. Although people have them at their disposal, they often do not know about them, cannot or do not want to use them. But this can be helped by non-violent education and explaining that the use of such tools has added value and is not pointless. Once the team has defined the tool, the setting of cooperation rules and continuity must not be missing. Otherwise, the implementation attempt often turns into failure and leads to further mistrust of other digital tools.

The goal of this training is for participants to gain awareness of the basic principles of task processing, to be able to choose appropriate digital tools for themselves and the team, and to be able to use the most common tools for team collaboration. They will thus acquire practical skills, techniques and rules that will enable them to make better use of digital tools and increase productivity and efficiency in their work.

Benefit for the participant:

  • Explanation of the basic flow and processing of tasks according to GTD
  • How to choose the right tool for yourself and your team
  • Examples of the most common tools for team collaboration 
  • Sharing what works or doesn't work
  • Tips for other digital tools for hybrid operation 

Come understand why it's important to remember safety and adopt habits that will help you stay safe. Safety doesn't have to be boring, bullying and bans. See for yourself in a fun way and with examples from practice.

Benefit for the participant:

  • We will explain the basic concepts and techniques of Internet and IT security.
  • You will understand why it is necessary to pay attention to safety.
  • We will touch on the issue of passwords and digital identity.
  • We will show you "how a hacker works", examples of the most common attacks and defenses against them.
  • You will see how our activity is tracked on the Internet and what can be done about it.