
Category: Promo

What about a speech disorder after a stroke

If you have someone who has had a stroke and has difficulty speaking, I wrote some things you can do on the blog Time is the Brain https://www.casjemozek.cz/blog/co-s-clovekem-po-mrtvici-s-poruchou- speaking

Need to disconnect?

www.ODPOJENI.cz Don't you know what it's about? hey i know 😉 That it's stupid to apply if you don't know what awaits you? Tell those who

Keep smiling in 2021!

Keep smiling in 2021 I wish! What else in today's world. And PFko with health and happiness, glasses of wine and fireworks will definitely be in your hands

Gratitude for what we have

Next week the social networks will be full of summaries for 2020 resolutions for 2021, so I have to get this post done before Christmas 🙂 Don't forget over the holidays on

FuckUp Podcast

Don't be put off by the tabloid headline and listen to this FUCKUP PODCAST In the podcast I describe what happens to a man minute by minute when he

Fuckup Night in Lucerne 6.10.

Someone at FuckUp night 6.10. in Lucerne? 5 speakers, theme Staying alive. I don't often share these things, but I'm really looking forward to this one! Fuckup and stroke?

Home office webinars

It is said that companies are having problems keeping employees in the home office. Every week several people report to me that they are already at home on the pills. Or that they can't get their hands on anything. Let me know if you do