
Prompt is king

Remember, the success of your AI brief depends on how well you can communicate your ideas and expectations. How to write such an assignment? Find out in the text.

Basics of a proper prompt:

  • assigned role (you are someone….)
  • what I want as specifically as possible (overview of the best...)
  • what output / format do I want + including an example of the output (give it to me in an Excel table with the following columns)

A pattern might look like this:

As a specialist in AI tools, give me a list of the most popular generative intelligence tools. Give it to me in a table format, where the first column will be the name of the tool, the second column will be a two-paragraph description of the tool, the third column will be how much the tool costs per month, and the last column will contain the www link to the tool.

An example of a good prompt to generate an image: “Create a picture of a landscape in an impressionistic style, dominated by green and blue colors. It should feature a river that winds through the landscape and a small wooden cottage on its bank. The sun is setting on the horizon, giving the whole scene warm shades of orange and red.”

When the task is more complex, it is good to outline the procedure, for example:

  1. go through the Czech pages
  2. summarize all the information
  3. prepare the overview table

7 rules for the right prompt

The right prompt for AI-powered content creation like “ChatGPT” should be clear, specific and well-structured. Here are some tips on how to do it:

1. Clearly define purpose and goal: Start with a clear definition of what you want to create. For example, if you need to write an article, create an image, or generate code, mention it right at the beginning. It is important to define the purpose and goals of the required text. For example, if the goal is to write a persuasive article, an instructional guide, or a creative story.

2. Be specific: The more details and specifics you provide, the better results you can expect. For example, if you want to create an image, describe what elements it should contain, what colors should predominate, and what the overall style should be.

3. Give context: If your request is part of a larger project or has a specific target group, please include this information. This will help the AI better understand the context in which the result will be used.

4. Style and Tone: Emphasize the importance of determining the style and tone of the text. Whether the text is to be formal, informal, funny or serious, it is important to specify this in the assignment.

5. Definition of the structure and format of the required output: For example, if the text should be divided into paragraphs, lists, or should contain certain sections with headings. Or it's an Excel spreadsheet.

6. Examples and analogies: Use examples and analogies to illustrate how different assignments lead to different results. You can compare a simple, general prompt with a very specific and detailed prompt and show the differences in output.

7. Edit and Iterate: Don't be afraid to edit the prompt and resubmit if the first results aren't exactly what you expected. The AI learns based on feedback, so you can get better results by refining the prompt.