I don't want to work myself to death anymore
That article in the September issue of My Psychology is now available online, along with a video interview on how to prevent burnout and not let it happen
That article in the September issue of My Psychology is now available online, along with a video interview on how to prevent burnout and not let it happen
If you're walking around the magazine racks, next time you look at the September issue of My Psychology, page 46. Emmy's pool is famous! 🙂 Thanks My Psychology for sharing
Who is Lukáš Barda? A digi celebrity! Where do I buy shoes and who do I follow on Instagram? Answers in a short questionnaire. Thanks thanks EDU Trainings https://edutrainings.cz/cs/kdo-je-lukas-barda-digi-celebrita-ne-ajtak-a #offlineandhappy#digitalwellbeing
If you have someone who has had a stroke and has difficulty speaking, I wrote some things you can do on the blog Time is the Brain https://www.casjemozek.cz/blog/co-s-clovekem-po-mrtvici-s-poruchou- speaking
So it's a month old thing, but I'm still sharing it here. There is never enough stroke awareness. Moreover, if it is readable and entertaining. Thomas
Sometimes it really is a day with a capital D. I had it in January and I made one of my dreams come true! 🙂 My article was published in