
Tailored courses

I will put together a tailor-made course for you and teach you how to use the technologies you need at work or in your personal life.

In practice, I will show you how the tools work and teach you how to get the most out of them.

You will get practical tips and tricks that will make your work easier.

Get to know, for example, communication platforms, online collaboration tools and learn to use their basic and advanced functions. I will guide you through planning and organizing meetings and interactive tools. I will also give you tried and tested tips and tricks for an even more efficient and pleasant meeting. The need to work remotely will not be a limitation for you.

Alternatively, choose a topic in the area of digital balance and a healthy relationship with technology. We can talk, for example, about netiquette (rules of decent behavior online), what it is and how to recognize fake news and deepfake or how to fight against information overload.

Examples of tailored training topics:

  • Communication skills
    Communication skills for kids
    Cross-Company Collaboration - How to collaborate across teams
    Effective communication online and offline
    Netiquette - Basics of good behavior online
    Effective use of MS Teams